Facebook is becoming little by little one of the most favorite web site of the world, its users are increasing to Facebook recently launched their new website design same as other features to make things faster and better for the whole world, but also very important they also launched a new very important tool named Facebook pages, these pages main functions are similar to your profile, well profiles work now as pages also, this has recently changed as well. These pages are controlled by an admin similar to a Facebook group, by promoting your business concept with this page you will have sort of advocates or fans who will be messengers and clear representants of your brand, so the Attention Interest Desire Action process will be starting and if you are smart enough you will start marketing your Unique Selling Proposal via this wonderful tool.
You can open this page clicking the advertising link in the bottom of your Facebook profile, after clicking you will see other options besides this one, such as connect, lexicon and share. When you click Create a Page, you can see there is also an option that allow you to manage your existing ones once they are created, you can create as much as you can there is not limits at all.
Once you click create a new page you will see a box that will show you several options to create a page, for example the first box display 3 categories options such as Local, Brand or Product and Artist Band. In Local you will see some other subtitles such as automotive, banks, bar, cafe, other business, religious center, convention center, etc. In Brand or Product you will see options such as Product, Airline, ship, train station, Communications, Consumer Product, Fashion Film, Retails, TV Shows, website, etc, next you will see Artist Band or Figure, there you can see options such as Other Public Figure, Actor, Athlete, Band, Comediant, model, etc, once you click the one you are interested you have to click the name of your business in the next box, please it is very and extremely important you choose a good name and it HAS to be a name you will not be able to delete or modify, that means it will stay forever or you will have to create a new page, of course this has brought sort of complaints from many users around the world, however it seems they will not change that. A very important tip for you is you can take advantage of SEO advantages and use this page to market it all over the search engines around the net, to start doing this you have to when creating your unique brand, business, etc, name you can add to that name keywords of your USP.
Once you put the name of your business you will see the result, it is a page similar to your website now, all you have to do is add important information about your business or the option you chose above, the more information you put, the better, you can put videos, rss feeds from blogs or other sources you want to share, you can also add photos, etc. There are even options for you to show your working hours and if you have parking for your customers, etc.
Once you see this page meet expectations you can invest little more time and money, by for example, creating a Facebook Marketplace Ad, a CPC (Cost/ per Click ad), even getting advertising credits which is a very new feature that allow you to start up using 100 $ credit. You can start placing ads at a very low budget with this new option.
Source: EzineArticles

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